
SIF a key player to support ICT for Development with IFIs

SIF a key player to support ICT for Development with IFIs

The African Development Bank’s Information Technology (IT) Department (CHIS), organised and hosted a meeting for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and high-level representatives from International Financial Institutions (IFIs) from September 23rd to 25th 2019 in Cape...

C40 Cities Finance Facility is now integrated in SOURCE PPF Finder

C40 Cities Finance Facility is now integrated in SOURCE PPF Finder

The C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) is now integrated in SOURCE Project Preparation Facility Finder, simplifying the access to early preparation technical assistance to municipal project developers. The CFF facilitates access to finance for climate change mitigation...

The World Bank Group joining the SOURCE Council

The World Bank Group joining the SOURCE Council

SIF is delighted to welcome the World Bank at the SOURCE Council. The SOURCE Council is composed of representatives of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). MDBs that have made full annual institutional membership contributions to SIF and are working to integrate...

SOURCE – The Multilateral Platform for Quality Infrastructure

SOURCE – The Multilateral Platform for Quality Infrastructure

 SOURCE was highlighted by Multilateral Development Bank (MDBs) Infrastructure Cooperation Platform, Reference Note Phase II and by the OECD/IMF Reference Note on the Governance of Quality Infrastructure Investment as part of the G20 Communiqué released on June 10th...

FELICITY is available in SOURCE PPF Finder

FELICITY is available in SOURCE PPF Finder

FELICITY (Financing Energy for Low-carbon Investment - Cities Advisory Facility) [1] the joint initiative of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) providing advisory services and capacity building...

SOURCE – G20 Principles for Infrastructure Project Preparation

SOURCE – G20 Principles for Infrastructure Project Preparation

Although US-China trade dispute drew much of attention during the recent G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 30 November and 1 December, there was an important agreement among G20 leaders on the future of work and infrastructure development. A declaration was...

Sharing knowledge to upgrade infrastructure projects.

Sharing knowledge to upgrade infrastructure projects.

Climate change and the unprecedented growth of cities, especially in emerging economies and developing countries, require increased investments in sustainable infrastructure projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Yet, cities face significant barriers to...

SOURCE Annual Meeting 2018 in Bali

SOURCE Annual Meeting 2018 in Bali

SOURCE new governance was introduced during Annual Meeting in Bali, on October 12th 2018. The governance has been revised in order to strengthen Multilateral Development Banks’ (MDBs) involvement in strategic decision-making and budget approvals, and accommodate the...

Memorandum of Understanding signed with the OECD

Memorandum of Understanding signed with the OECD

SIF is pleased to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) aiming to foster co-operation in the area of infrastructure development. As part of this collaboration, SIF will integrate...

Presentamos el #RegistroNacionalAPP, integrado a la plataforma @SIFSource, gracias al respaldo del Programa @EUROCLIMA_UE_AL a través de la @GIZEcuador.

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#ElNuevoEcuadorResuelve 🇪🇨

¡#Ecuador ahora cuenta con el #RegistroNacionalAPP, integrado a la plataforma @SIFSource!

Esta integración facilita el desarrollo de proyectos APP de infraestructura y permite atraer más inversión al país.
#ElNuevoEcuadorResuelve 🇪🇨

🆙 Pedro Ponce, agregado de cooperación de la #UE 🇪🇺, participó en la presentación de SOURCE, una iniciativa para proyectos de infraestructura sostenible y de calidad💚♻️, que ha sido integrada con el apoyo del programa financiado por la UE 🇪🇺@Euroclima y @GIZ.


Con el #RegistroNacionalAPP, ahora #Ecuador tiene una plataforma con los más altos estándares y prácticas internacionales, que permite la transparencia en todo el ciclo de los proyectos.
#ElNuevoEcuadorResuelve 🇪🇨

Lanzamiento de la plataforma cooperativa Source para facilitar el desarrollo de proyectos de infraestructura alineados con los ODS y los principios de Inversión de Calidad en Infraestructura del G20. Además, busca integrar la definición y el monitoreo de las NDC.

El #RegistroNacionalAPP, a través de la plataforma @SIFSource, permite promocionar los proyectos de Asociaciones Público Privadas de manera transparente y con los más altos estándares internacionales.

#ElNuevoEcuadorResuelve 🇪🇨

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