
The government of Panama highlighted coordination, adaptability and interoperability as key benefits for the integration of SOURCE, which was financed by @the_IDB. These insights were shared by the PPP Secretariat of Panama during the last SOURCE Community meeting held on March

SOURCE highlighted as key solution during #PPPWeekIstanbul for delivering quality infrastructure standards for sustainable development and climate finance to countries.

As online infrastructure development and management software, SOURCE delivers standards and best practices as

πŸŽ‰ Big News! Angola's #infrastructure development reaches a major milestone! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡΄
πŸš€ Ministry of Planning, SIF, and @AFD_France @AFD_en launched #SOURCE in Angola.
πŸ™Œ Joint launch with D+ program led by MINPLAN and @WorldBank.
πŸ‘ SIF extends gratitude to partners and commits to

SOURCE presented to the UNITE DE PARTENARIAT PUBLIC-PRIVE MADAGASCAR πŸ‡²πŸ‡¬ during their visit in Paris to support the development, prioritisation and promotion of a sustainable infrastructure project pipeline thanks to Fin INFRA

Exciting developments in France! πŸ‡«πŸ‡· The SOURCE platform gains traction in @hautsdefrance with a pilot project led by @EURALOGISTIC in Somain showcased at the latest #SOURCECommunity meeting. With support from @Economie_Gouv SOURCE proves instrumental in project development and

#SOURCECommunity members are using #SOURCEβ€―to build a #pipeline of #Sustainable and #bankable projects using #SOURCE's unique common language, emphasising the platform's ability to integrate with national frameworks. This was the key message from members shared by SOURCE

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