

Countries engaged



SOURCE is the multilateral platform for sustainable infrastructure led and funded by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) designed to support the:


1. development of projects to bridge the infrastructure gap

2. digitalisation agenda of governments globally; and

3. mobilisation of private finance


SOURCE is the online infrastructure project development software, under UN servers, designed for both traditional procurement and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) providing:


SOURCE uniquely offers a common framework, incorporating international best practices and private sector requirements, fully adaptable to each country’s processes and interoperable with complementary IT systems; strengthening the capacity of project developers to package sustainable infrastructure projects. 


SOURCEs common framework is therefore key to reaching financial close and fulfilling the SDGs, by facilitating an early identification, evaluation and allocation of the projects risks and impacts while enabling the monitoring of KPIs during implementation. SOURCE is freely accessible for emerging countries with the objective to strengthen the capacity of project developers.


SOURCE is easily accessible by any web browser including the following functionalities:
SOURCE standardised project development templates in line with the following international standards and recognised knowledge products:
The strong involvement of the private sector (Supporting partners) to develop the SOURCE project development templates, provide a “common language”. More than 7,000 comments were provided by :

SOURCE is hosted by the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC) and aligned with regulations related to data protection and sovereignty of most countries.


SOURCE covers the entire project lifecycle:

Integration Enquiry


If you are a government/ public agency representative and wish to integrate SOURCE in your country, please contact us:

1 + 12 =

SOURCE covers the full range of infrastructure sectors:

SOURCE global outreach: