
Launch of the SOURCE Community

Launch of the SOURCE Community

This August will mark the launch of the highly anticipated SOURCE Community, which has been fueled by the unwavering support of our esteemed governmental partners. The SOURCE community brings to life the dynamism a digital platform needs to ensure continuous...

The Republic of South Africa officially launched the SOURCE platform

The Republic of South Africa officially launched the SOURCE platform

The integration of SOURCE in South Africa is now completed. The platform is now fully part of South Africa’s digitalisation process to improve the country’s infrastructure project development and management processes.  SOURCE now provides South Africa with consistent...

SIF and UNECE to empower governments towards PPP for the SDGs

SIF and UNECE to empower governments towards PPP for the SDGs

As part of the collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), SIF announced the digitalisation of the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Infrastructure Evaluation and Rating System (PIERS) on SOURCE to further ensure that projects...

SIF and OECD partner to promote sustainable infrastructure

SIF and OECD partner to promote sustainable infrastructure

The Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together on promoting sustainable infrastructure development and financing.   The two...

Launch of sustainable infrastructure accelerator partnership

Launch of sustainable infrastructure accelerator partnership

Today the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation, Sustainable Markets Initiative, and FAST-Infra Platform signed a partnership to accelerate private sector investment into sustainable infrastructure. According to the International Energy Agency, annual investments in...

SOURCE at the heart of the FAST-Infra platform

SOURCE at the heart of the FAST-Infra platform

We are proud to be part of the FAST-Infra initiative, and for SOURCE, the Multilateral Platform for Sustainable Infrastructure, to be at the heart of the FAST-Infra Platform.   FAST-Infra — the ‘Finance to Accelerate the Sustainable Transition-Infrastructure’...

The Sovereign Infrastructure Group joined SIF Strategic Committee

The Sovereign Infrastructure Group joined SIF Strategic Committee

SIF is pleased to announce that the Sovereign Infrastructure Group (SIG) joined its Strategic Committee to provide inputs in the long-term strategy for SOURCE’s engagement with the private sector. SIG is a global financing company that works with project sponsors and...

SOURCE updates available, including improved project implementation guidance.

Developed based on feedback from SOURCE Community members and the latest inputs from the private sector and PPP experts, the SOURCE update includes new features within the 40 existing project…

Ecuador (@secretariaipp) moves up from 15th to 9th place in the 2024 Infrascope ranking by @the_IDB and @TheEIU. This progress reflects Ecuador's increased transparency and collaboration through the SOURCE platform, fostering a clearer view of ongoing PPP projects. Ecuador’s…

Estar al frente de la Comunidad @SIFSource nos permite articular acciones en nuestros países para promover el desarrollo de más proyectos APP con excelencia y transparencia, donde primen las buenas prácticas y así generar inversión y trabajo.

#ElNuevoEcuador 🇪🇨

El secretario @PabloJCevallosP lideró la Reunión de la Comunidad @SIFSource donde se intercambiaron experiencias para desarrollar proyectos APP con transparencia y fomentar la implementación de esta plataforma en más países.


El secretario @PabloJCevallosP lideró su 1ra reunión como Presidente de la Comunidad @SIFSource donde se intercambiaron experiencias en el uso de esta plataforma y se dialogó sobre su implementación en más países para cerrar la brecha de infraestructura.

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