
MoU with APMG on the PPP Certification Program

MoU with APMG on the PPP Certification Program

SIF is pleased to announce its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with APMG on the PPP Certification Program. The PPP Certification Guide as part of APMG’s PPP Certification Program, helps public officials and their advisors implement efficient and sustainable PPPs....

The SOURCE Architecture Board

The SOURCE Architecture Board

The SOURCE Architecture Board has been established on September 2019 to provide strategic direction to the development of SOURCE platform on technology-related topics. Acting under the SOURCE Council*, the Architecture Board will support and advise SIF to further...

SIF a key player to support ICT for Development with IFIs

SIF a key player to support ICT for Development with IFIs

The African Development Bank’s Information Technology (IT) Department (CHIS), organised and hosted a meeting for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and high-level representatives from International Financial Institutions (IFIs) from September 23rd to 25th 2019 in Cape...

C40 Cities Finance Facility is now integrated in SOURCE PPF Finder

C40 Cities Finance Facility is now integrated in SOURCE PPF Finder

The C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) is now integrated in SOURCE Project Preparation Facility Finder, simplifying the access to early preparation technical assistance to municipal project developers. The CFF facilitates access to finance for climate change mitigation...

The World Bank Group joining the SOURCE Council

The World Bank Group joining the SOURCE Council

SIF is delighted to welcome the World Bank at the SOURCE Council. The SOURCE Council is composed of representatives of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). MDBs that have made full annual institutional membership contributions to SIF and are working to integrate...

SOURCE – The Multilateral Platform for Quality Infrastructure

SOURCE – The Multilateral Platform for Quality Infrastructure

 SOURCE was highlighted by Multilateral Development Bank (MDBs) Infrastructure Cooperation Platform, Reference Note Phase II and by the OECD/IMF Reference Note on the Governance of Quality Infrastructure Investment as part of the G20 Communiqué released on June 10th...

FELICITY is available in SOURCE PPF Finder

FELICITY is available in SOURCE PPF Finder

FELICITY (Financing Energy for Low-carbon Investment - Cities Advisory Facility) [1] the joint initiative of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) providing advisory services and capacity building...

SOURCE – G20 Principles for Infrastructure Project Preparation

SOURCE – G20 Principles for Infrastructure Project Preparation

Although US-China trade dispute drew much of attention during the recent G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 30 November and 1 December, there was an important agreement among G20 leaders on the future of work and infrastructure development. A declaration was...

SOURCE updates available, including improved project implementation guidance.

Developed based on feedback from SOURCE Community members and the latest inputs from the private sector and PPP experts, the SOURCE update includes new features within the 40 existing project…

Ecuador (@secretariaipp) moves up from 15th to 9th place in the 2024 Infrascope ranking by @the_IDB and @TheEIU. This progress reflects Ecuador's increased transparency and collaboration through the SOURCE platform, fostering a clearer view of ongoing PPP projects. Ecuador’s…

Estar al frente de la Comunidad @SIFSource nos permite articular acciones en nuestros países para promover el desarrollo de más proyectos APP con excelencia y transparencia, donde primen las buenas prácticas y así generar inversión y trabajo.

#ElNuevoEcuador 🇪🇨

El secretario @PabloJCevallosP lideró la Reunión de la Comunidad @SIFSource donde se intercambiaron experiencias para desarrollar proyectos APP con transparencia y fomentar la implementación de esta plataforma en más países.


El secretario @PabloJCevallosP lideró su 1ra reunión como Presidente de la Comunidad @SIFSource donde se intercambiaron experiencias en el uso de esta plataforma y se dialogó sobre su implementación en más países para cerrar la brecha de infraestructura.

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