Reduce the impacts of COVID-19 and evaluate responses to this crisis

As an online project management system and global knowledge dissemination vehicle, SOURCE provides the following specific value propositions to reduce the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and assess the responses to this crisis :

  • Leveraging global lessons learned: One of the lessons learned from the crisis is that there is a need to redefine the global approach to define risks and test sensitivity to better take disruptions of this scale into account. SOURCE has engaged in a process of integrating such elements in its templates (on all types of asset may absorb such kind of impact on the demand), and will progressively integrate into SOURCE the guidelines and knowledge products that will emerge from this shared experience, to facilitate their dissemination.
  • Supporting administrations in “work from home” setting: The global confinement imposed in most countries shall be a reminder of the importance and benefits of efficient online solutions such SOURCE, that facilitate the collaboration and management of information from distance, without the need for special settings, or more simply access to hard copies of key documents.
  • Assessing the efficiency and global impact of measures: SOURCE could be adapted and used to help harvest data about all the different initiatives that will be initiated, to assess their effectiveness, socio-economic impacts as a whole (e.g. on the number of permanent jobs created, fiscal revenues, positive externalities, etc.), in a transparent and standardised manner. With the support from investors, the leveraging of private investment could also be monitored and facilitated.