by SIF Comm Team | Sep 13, 2023 | MDBs & Infra News, SIF-SOURCE News
SOURCE is mentioned as a critical platform to support quality infrastructure project origination during FiCS 2023. The 4th edition of the Finance in Common took place in Colombia from September 4th to 6th with the theme: “Building new alliances for the future of...
by SIF Comm Team | Aug 11, 2023 | MDBs & Infra News, SIF-SOURCE News
SOURCE’s Project Assessment Tool allows governments to evaluate their projects against national and international methodologies. SOURCE enables the digitalisation of multiple project evaluation standards, allowing governments to easily assess their infrastructure...
by SIF Comm Team | Jul 20, 2023 | MDBs & Infra News, SIF-SOURCE News
This August will mark the launch of the highly anticipated SOURCE Community, which has been fueled by the unwavering support of our esteemed governmental partners. The SOURCE community brings to life the dynamism a digital platform needs to ensure continuous...
by SIF Comm Team | Jun 28, 2023 | MDBs & Infra News, SIF-SOURCE News
We are pleased to share that the multilateral platform SOURCE has been selected as a recommendation and quick win at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, organized by the French President on June 22-23, with the objective to raise additional donor funding to...
by SIF Comm Team | May 25, 2023 | MDBs & Infra News, SIF-SOURCE News
On May 21st, 2023, the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) recognised SOURCE as an important tool to improve infrastructure projects’ quality, standards, and governance. The PGII is a shared G7 commitment to advance public and private...