Ecuador Launches SOURCE as the National PPP registry, publishing 7 Projects Prepared on the Platform

On July 2nd, 2024, the Secretariat of Public Private Investment (SPPI) officially launched SOURCE as the national PPP registry in Ecuador. Supported by EUROCLIMA and financed by the European Union, implemented by GIZ, the integration of SOURCE provides the government of Ecuador with an online software to develop a pipeline of sustainable infrastructure projects. SOURCE improves the structuring of projects to be better align with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and SDGs, facilitating and facilitates the mobilisation of private sector financing.

“The national PPP registry integrated in the SOURCE platform, is an irrefutable example of our commitment towards the quality and transparency in the development and management of infrastructure projects.”

 Pablo Cevallos, Secretary of Public and Private Investments


The integration in Ecuador involved digitalising the national regulatory framework in SOURCE of by creating digital workflows that cover the entire project lifecycle for all stakeholders :

  • PPP-executive and non-executive.
  • Concessions and unsolicited proposals.
  • Public investment for national and subnational entities including the support of the National Development Bank
  • Tender processes with and without prequalification.

The digitalisation of the PPP regulation and the creation of 3 assessment tools in SOURCE will enable the investment committee to evaluate and score the projects against national criteria:

  1. Basic
  2. Fundamental
  3. Minimal



In todays digital world, governments should be in a capacity to control, collect, manage, all their data. It is important because the only way to make change is to be able to measure, and the only way to do this, is to collect data systematically to be able to make the right decisions, provide transparency, a structured environment, interoperability, and therefore attracting private sector investment.”

Christophe Dossarps, CEO, SIF

SIF also connected SOURCE to the SPPI website, fostering transparency and enabling the promotion of a well-developed pipeline of projects to the private sector,  including the evaluation results against national and international criteria. The PPP registry will be automatically updated in alignment with the latest developments entered in SOURCE by the contracting authorities.



The EUROCLIMA team reviewed the best practices available in SOURCE supporting the contracting authorities to include Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) targets during the projects development and monitor the results during implementation.

“One of the pillars of our action in Latin America and particularly in Ecuador, is the Global Gateway investment agenda, which seeks to strengthen connectivity and sustainable infrastructures, promoting collaboration and creating synergies between public and private sectors. SOURCE provides the tool allowing governments to promote transparency and clarity on the processes to develop projects capable of attracting investments to mitigate climate change.”

Pedro Ponce, Environmental Cooperation Officer of the European Union Delegation in Ecuador

The use of SOURCE was institutionalised in 2020 by the Presidential Decree 1190,  following an extensive due diligence on the platform’s functionalities, security and adaptability to the national framework .

“While facing the challenges of climate change and the current global crisis, the development of sustainable infrastructure plays an important role, and we are pleased that Ecuador is aligned with our same objective.”

Paola Vasconi, Regional Coordinator of Policies and Dialogues at GIZ for EUROCLIMA


During the launch, a Contract for Transactional Advisory Services was also signed between the SPPI and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop the pre-feasibility studies of the road corridors:

  1. Manta- Quevedo,
  2. Pifo- And Baeza,
  3. Montecristi – La Cadena.

These initial studies will be delivered between August and November 2024. The progress of these studies will be coordinated and monitored in SOURCE and, therefore, will be visible in the published projects within the PPP National Registry. If viable, the agreement stipulates that the parties will agree on the conditions for the IFC to advise on the structuring of the 3 projects at the feasibility level, carry out promotion and accompany the bidding processes.

“Ecuador has launched the National PPP Registry incorporated in the SOURCE platform. The registry marks a crucial milestone in promoting private investment in the country. IFC plays a leading role in the structuring of three important road corridors in the country, two of them with the support of the World Bank in their initial phase.”

Sergio Juarez Lopez, Country Officer for Ecuador, IFC



Ecuador has also assumed the chair of the SOURCE community for the 2024/25 period, leading discussions among user countries regarding best practices in the integration process and the continuous improvement the platform.

“SOURCE is global online software adaptable to each national framework, covering the whole project lifecycle and enabling governments to evaluate the projects against national and international criteria including the ones from the private sector, to promote a well-structured pipeline of infrastructure projects”

Cédric van Riel, Head of Business Development, SIF



Communiqué SPPI Ecuador:

Communiqué EUROCLIMA: 

Press articles:


Download SIF communiqué